Nourish U

A virtual group program that will help you stress and obsess less about food and your body so that you can experience true nutritional health, enjoy life more, and make a bigger impact on the world!

Is this familiar?

You want to feel good about your body and you want your body to feel good…AND you are tired from all the ways you have been trying to make this happen. It feels like you think about food and your weight all the time.  

You want to be healthy but are unsure of what that means as everyone on the internet seems to have a different take on what that should look like.  

You have been struggling with your body for most of your adult life. You are exhausted but you don’t really want to just give up either. You are starting to wonder if you will have to keep working on your body for the rest of your life.  

You try very hard to be healthy and you feel like you have been walking a tightrope with your eating for many years, always trying to make the healthiest choice and when you don’t, it is followed by heaps of guilt and attempts to make up for it. 

You have a mom (auntie, grandma) and she is no happier with her body than you are. You feel like you are staring down the barrel of what life could be like in your 60’s and 70’s…still stressing about food and your body. 

You have kids, daughters maybe even, and you want something different for them. You are starting to wonder what you can do to change the course for your kids so that they have a better relationship with food and their body and don’t struggle in the same ways that you have.

The truth is, most women will spend their lives endlessly working to make their bodies smaller instead of their lives bigger....will you?

Through Nourish U I want to help you stress and obsess LESS about food and your body so that you can start living boldly in the body that you have now instead of living for the body you WISH you had!

Nourish U is…

A 6-week virtual group program that will help you reclaim your relationship with food, your body, and yourself in a supportive, non-judgemental environment!

Why a Group Program?
There’s power in community.

  • Validation: Hear your own struggles echoed by others and realize you’re not alone.

  • Empowerment: Witness others letting go of limiting beliefs, and feel inspired to do the same.

  • Connection: Share, ask questions, and grow in a safe, compassionate space.

Unlike one-to-one counseling, this group experience allows you to tap into the collective strength of women supporting women, creating a transformational journey you won’t find anywhere else.

What we will cover:

  • So often women feel like failures when it comes to weight loss and eating healthy, but there is a reason why you always feel like you do well for a time then get off track. We are going to unpack why so you can understand what makes an approach to nutrition healthy…and what doesn’t.

  • I have found that most women I work with ultimately want to be healthy and the message that we get is that thin = healthy. The relationship between weight and health is more complex than that and we will dig into this topic so that you can understand how to know when you are at a healthy weight…for you.

  • Nutritional health is not complex, but it is also not as simple (or as complicated) as what you eat and what you don’t eat and how much of it. We are going to explore the other factors that impact the way that you eat and how you feel as a result.

  • Proteins, fats and carbs oh my! Eating healthy is not as scary, complicated (or boring) as the diet industry makes it out to be. I want you to leave this week feeling empowered with nutrition knowledge that will help you cut through all the confusing food messaging out there.

  • The relationship between food and exercise can get complicated and rules about what exercise “should” look like can make it completely overwhelming. We are going to work together to shed some of the “shoulds” so that you can truly find movement that works for YOUR body and lights you up!

  • Body image is complex and usually we think “If I don’t like it then I should just change it” but this approach rarely results in being more comfortable with our body (or an actual change in body that stays!). But there things that you CAN do to feel more confident!

Hi, I’m Meg!

I am so glad that you are here!

Are you someone who has tried a lot of things over the years to change your body and you are a bit tired and frustrated?

You are in the right place.

What if you could stress and obsess less about food and what your body looks like so that you can enjoy your life more, be healthy, feel more confident, and make a bigger impact at work and at home?

I understand what it is like to experience weight gain and body changes that seemingly happen over night. All of a sudden you don’t recognize your own body anymore and the changes are uncomfortable. Like, physically uncomfortable AND emotionally uncomfortable.

AND I understand that you and I don’t have to spend these important decades of our lives ceaselessly trying to get or keep our bodies smaller.

Most common approaches to nutrition that you find on the internets don’t actually work. If we want to be truly overall healthy, we need a different approach to nutrition, movement and our bodies, but it doesn’t have to be exhausting or complicated… because I have important $h*t to do, and I bet you do too!

You CAN experience more confidence in your body and less stress when it comes nutrition and taking care of yourself WITHOUT exhausting food rules or complicated plans and I’d love to show you how!

The Details:

Enrollment for Nourish U will open spring 2025!

If you are interested in joining future Nourish U groups, please add yourself to the waitlist (button below) and I will reach out to you first to let you know when I am offering it again!

We will meet virtually via Zoom weekly for 6 weeks for one hour (a little longer the first week) from 4:30-5:30 Eastern time starting Thursday, May 1st-June 5th.

If you have BCBS or Aetna insurance and we are in network with your particular plan, the cost of the group may be covered at 100% with no out of pocket cost to you! If you have BCBS or Aetna insurance, you can click here to access a script to use to find out if your plan covers the group.

The out of pocket cost is $35 per session, or $210 total.

Because I am saving the spot especially for you, registration is a commitment to all 6 sessions! So even if you miss a session you will be responsible for covering the cost and you will receive a recording of the session so you can see what you missed (insurance does not cover the cost of this)!


  • This is for women, women identifying and nonbinary individuals and anyone who feels that they have been negatively impacted by the body standards placed on women in our culture!

  • Yes! Group work can be very empowering during and post recovery. There are some cases where this group may not be beneficial yet, if you have questions, email me and we can talk

  • Group work provides support and learning that one to one does not and the reverse is true also. If you have done one to one nutrition therapy already with myself or someone else, you will still get a lot out of the group experience!

    And if you have done group work with me before but think you want to again because it was so much fun before come on! I have a client who says that this work is like an onion, each time you dig in you peel back another layer and go deeper with this work!