Are You Putting Your Life On Hold Until You Are Thinner?

I’m just going to boldly ask… what are you putting off until you lose ‘x’ number of pounds?

Is it a vacation or cruise? Dating? Visiting friends or family? Having family photos taken? Going to that restaurant? Exercise? Taking that dance class you always wanted to take? Buying pants that fit better? Wearing shorts or a sleeveless top?

What are you not doing now because you are waiting until you weigh less to do it?

And why can’t you do it now? Yes, if you have a larger body there are some legit barriers to doing something that maybe you want to do because our society is not inclusive in the way they have made some things - like rides at theme parks. And this is awful and discriminatory and a true barrier- and a problem that lies within our society, not your body. 

But beyond these types of barriers, I want to challenge if your barrier is true. Or if you have been made to think that you have to wait to do something that you want to do when you could actually start experiencing that thing now.  


I had a client who had always wanted to learn a certain kind of movement, but she felt vulnerable dressing for it and participating in it. She felt that if she was thinner, she might not feel so self-conscious and people wouldn’t look at her. She felt this way about a lot of things.  She felt that things would be easier and she would be happier if she lost weight, so of course, she tried many different ways to lose weight. She would do “good” for a while but then life would happen and she wouldn’t be able to “stick” to her plan for weight loss.

She eventually decided to try something different and enrolled in Fork the Food Rules and in this experience, something clicked for her, and she stopped waiting to do this movement. She did the movement in the body she had right then and there… and you know what? It made her happy. 

Our “thin is better culture” sends a message that life begins once you are thin.

But life is happening while you are waiting to be thin…what is missing from your life that you could be doing now?

 Is body image holding you back?

Download our free finding food freedom workbook to get started on challenging beliefs about your body so you can start living boldly.